Chair Urdhva Hastasana - To lift the spine, open the chest, and increase the heart rate.
Chair Bharadvajasana - To stretch the lower back to alleviate stiffness, as well as rejuvenating digestive organs
So, another year is drawing to a close. In fact, this year it's a new decade around the corner. Let's hope it's a better one...
But, Christmas is about acknowledging the light in the dark. Whatever religion, or none, it's hard when the nights are long, the layers are many, the sick bugs are plentiful - and the country looks like it might be heading towards the abyss.
It can also be a painful time for many who have lost loved ones, who don't have family nearby, or who are going through a hard time for whatever reason.
Whatever your reality this Christmas, it's a time for kindness, goodwill, and hope.
A Christmas Present
But there is one thing that you can do for yourself to make this Christmas a better one - that will make the joyful times more clear, the hard times easier to bear AND can even help your groaning digestive system process the vast amount of food on Christmas Day.
And that's yoga. From my experience, even the smallest amount will help to recalibrate body and mind to become really present this Christmas.
How and what?
How do you fit a yoga practice into the festive season, while still enjoying the odd lie-in, and with the kids scrambling all over you, or when you're travelling all over the country to visit the various branches of the family tree?
The answer is to fit yoga in ANYWHERE. For example, when you're sitting in that tailback, you can do some 'chair yoga'. This is a specially designed type of yoga for the physically infirm, but in fact, Chair yoga is great for anyone who happens to be stuck in a chair.
Chair Yoga Poses
I just so happen to be sitting in a chair at this very moment, typing out this blog, so I thought I could demonstrate here and now.
Chair Ghomukasana - To stretch and open the shoulders, alleviating stored tension.
You can also do Tadasana (mountain pose) when standing in the queue at the Post Office (standing firmly on both feet, lifting the kneecaps into the knees and drawing up the thighs - then feel your spine lift through those actions).
You can do Virasana (Hero pose), Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle pose) and Upavista Konasana (Legs wide apart pose) while watching your favourite family Christmas movie.
And there's always Savasana (corpse pose) which you can do at any time (if you've just eaten a big meal it's best to do it with support under the upper body) which will take the body and mind to that deep sense of peace which is ALWAYS there, despite the Christmas chaos.
Good luck with fitting some yoga into your holidays and in the meantime I wish you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years.
Poppy x