Improve your Yoga Practice

With my free guide to learning the names of Iyengar Yoga Poses

When I was training to be an Iyengar yoga teacher I had to learn the names of the yoga poses, AND FAST!

If the teacher trainer asked you to teach a pose and you didn't know what it was, you'd look like a right plum, so I wrote all the poses down in Sanskrit, their English meaning, and then a little drawing to help me remember the shape of the pose. 

This sheet of drawings was invaluable, and soon I knew all the names of the poses. Once I started teaching I noticed that a lot of my students struggled to remember the names of the poses, so I thought I'd do a smarter version to hand out to them, and my 'Guide to Iyengar Yoga Poses' was born. 

It's not ALL the yoga poses. For that, you'll need to go to “Light on Yoga” - B K S Iyengar's seminal book. But if you're thinking of starting a home practice, then you could do worse to download this guide, print it out, stick it to your fridge, and have a go at learning the yoga poses. Once you've done that, you could have a go at doing them all!