DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK ALL IN-PERSON CLASSES ARE CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. But do check out my live-stream online classes, which will run until classes return to normal.


Please contact me to book a place at one of my classes.

Monday Evening, 8.15 - 9.45pm

At Forest Hill Pools, Dartmouth Road, London, SE23 3HZ
A 'General' yoga class - suitable for all, but a little yoga experience would be helpful.

Tuesday Morning, 9.45 - 10.45am

At The Crystal Palace Osteopathic Practice, 10 Westow St, London SE19 3AH  General & Beginners’ class - all welcome.

Wednesday Lunchtime, 1 - 2pm

PRIVATE CLASS: At Thomas Ford & Partners , 177 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London SE26 4QH
General & Beginners’ class

Thursday Morning, 9.45 - 11am

In West Dulwich - for more details please contact me.
General class

Thursday Evening, 6.45 - 7.45pm

At The Sunflower Centre, 81 Tressillian Road, Brockley, London SE4 1XZ
General & Beginners’ class

Thursday Evening, 8 - 9pm

At The Sunflower Centre, 81 Tressillian Road, Brockley, London SE4 1XZ
General & Beginners’ class

Image by @karlanegra

Image by @karlanegra


Monday  - Thursday morning classes are £10 'drop in' - if space is available.
To confirm your place, and pay less, place a block booking (either in blocks of 10 classes, or per half term) - £8.50/£8 per class. For enquiries, or to book a place, please email poppy@poppypicklesyoga.com, or fill out the booking form on this website.

Thursday evening classes at The Sunflower Centre are block booking ONLY.  Classes can be bought in blocks of 6 lessons for £66.  All equipment is provided at these classes.

What to bring

Please bring a mat to classes, apart from Thursday evening classes at which all equipment is provided.  If you have any other yoga equipment, such as blocks, bricks yoga belt or blanket, feel free to bring them. However, don't worry if you don't, as I will provide all equipment other than mats at every class. If you don't have a mat, let me know before the class and I will bring a spare one. Please wear leggings or shorts - for two reasons. Firstly, if I can't see your legs I don't know if you're doing the poses correctly, and secondly, excess material makes some of the poses harder to get into.

Tips for the class

Try not to eat a substantial meal less than four hours before the class - your stomach won't thank you when you're upside down! A light snack to keep your energy levels up is fine. During classes drinking water in Iyengar yoga lessons is discouraged, as this diverts energy from your muscles to the digestive system, so do hydrate well before and after class.