How Yoga Helped when my Son was Mugged



Yesterday evening my son was mugged on the way home from school, literally minutes from our front door. His phone and air pods were taken from him and he was politely asked to enter the pin before his attacker walked off in the opposite direction.

As upsetting as this experience is, my son has been totally calm and acted brilliantly. Afterwards we did lots of ‘mugging admin’ to cancel his phone, debit card and change his passwords. We have a lot on our phones.

2020 has been a bit like this

This year feels a bit like that mugging. The Coronavirus pandemic crept up on this country last March and has stolen from us. But at the same time, it has also given us a lot too.

At the very beginning of it all, that first lockdown gave us a sense of space and quiet. An almost-elation at the sense that everything could stop and we didn’t have to rush about any more.

Then as summer came on, and we were allowed to leave our homes we had a sense of hope that although the news was bad, we could come through this and get to the other side, that things would return to ‘normal’.

The second lockdown in Autumn proved tough, but we had learnt resilience to it by then. To take each week, day, hour as it comes, and not look to the future too much.

This Christmas doesn’t feel like a gift just yet. When I realised we wouldn’t be able to see any of my family at all (to be on the safe side) it felt truly sad. Doing all my shopping online, not being able to see any friends, and worrying about the health of my family is not bringing on all the ‘festive feels’. If you've had Covid, you may still be feeling the after-effects.

But next Christmas, (hopefully) when we can all be together again, we will fully appreciate what is really important about Christmas. It’s a cliché, but it’s true. You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.

And it’s the same with my son. His phone and air pods are unimportant and can be replaced, but people can’t.

Being Grateful

This sense of being grateful for what’s really important is part of the meaning of the yogic principle of santosha, or contentment.

This notion is very alien to our consumer brains, which have been programmed to want the latest, newest gadget, or to constantly updated. We are also used to setting intentions, goals and aims. This is not a bad thing – we need to be strive to improve – but sometimes this makes us forget to stop and take stock.

Santosha says, ‘This is enough. Right here, right now’.

Getting on the Mat

This blog started as a way to motivate anyone who wants to commit to a home practice.

This morning I dropped my son off at the station and watched him walk away in the dark morning. My parental instinct is to worry, to protect and shield him. But that won’t help him, or me.

Once home I got on the mat and did my practice. Nothing spectacular or particularly impressive. But the routine of connecting to my body – stretch, open, balance, repeat, breathe – brings that flickering fear under control.

A Christmas Sequence
As we wind down for the Christmas break, I’d like to give you a Christmas sequence to help you feel positive and content.

Vrksasana (can be done to the wall )
Virabhadrasana 2 (arms can be up as in classical pose, or experiment)
Ardha Chandrasana
Utthita Hasta Padangustasana 2 (use support such as chair or stool for your heel, or see if you can balance)
Parsvottanasana (can be done with back heel to the wall)

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Uttanasana (use bricks for hands if usually used)
Sirasanaa (or Prasarita Padottanasana if you don't practice headstand)

Enjoy Christmas, in whatever form it takes.

And thank you for your support, feedback and smiles.

Poppy x


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Opening the Heart with Backbends


It’s September – back to school time! And now, finally, the kids are actually back to school. Never before have I appreciated the education system as much. Not so much for what the children learn there, but for the routine, the stimulation, the friends, the BEING OUT OF THE HOUSE.

And that’s where we’re all at. We’ve been at home, with the odd jaunt away, for six months. And when the government recently announced the ‘Rule of Six’, many people felt desperate as our small freedoms are being taken away from us again.

We understand why. We know that there’s a pandemic and sadly it might only just be the beginning, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

The Effect on the Body
When the mind and heart suffer a setback, the body reflects this too.

I remember when I was doing my yoga teacher training, I was feeling unconfident and disheartened. My teacher looked over at me and said, “Why are you standing with your chest dropping? Lift it up!”

That instruction has stayed with me, particularly because I had no idea that my posture was reflecting my mood. And the simple action of drawing my shoulders back and lifting my chest had the effect of making me feel more powerful, and that actually, I could do this. The mind affects the body, the body affects the mind.

The Effect of Backbends
This heart-lifting action is part of what makes backbends so intense. B K S Iyengar has said the following about backbends:

“…you create tremendous depth and vastness in the chest through the backbends that the emotional centre accommodates [absorbs and withstands] all types of pressures and strains.  There is no chance for a person who does backbends to get emotionally depressed or distressed.”

By opening our chest and heart up the maximum in a physical way, we literally lift and open our emotional hearts. This is not a soppy simile, it’s literally true. Try it now.

The Fear Factor
But backbends can be scary. Poses where we arch backwards make the body feel vulnerable. And we can’t see where we're going. There is also a tendency to be cautious with the spine, especially if you’ve suffered back pain in the past.

The key is to build up slowly to backbends. You should have a solid foundation in the standing poses, twists and inversions in order to master the backbends.

What are the Backbends?
The first backbends we learn as beginners are Shalabasana (Locust pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Dhanurasana (Bow pose) and Urdhva Mukha Svanasasana (Upward facing dog). These poses are going against gravity so we learn to work the back muscles first.

The next backbends are Ustrasana (Camel pose), Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Two-footed Inverted staff pose) and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward-facing bow pose). These poses are going with gravity, so we have to resist with the back muscles.

B K S Iyengar says that Urdhva Dhanurasana is the basic pose of the backbends, just as Tadasana is the basic pose of the standing poses and Dandasana is the basic seated pose. The thing is Urdhva Dhanurasana isn’t an accessible pose for many people!

Working on Backbends*
The great thing about Iyengar yoga is that it teaches you to break down poses into their component parts. And also how all the poses build on each other to prepare you for the next pose. So if you wanted to work on Urdhva Dhanurasana there are plenty of poses you can work on first to help you get there. You'll need to work on opening up the shoulders and improve the internal rotation action. It's also a good idea to open up the front of the thighs and groins.

Here are some pose ideas to open up the shoulders and armpits: 

Once you're confident with these, you can progress to these more intense poses:

Once you've warmed up your body and worked to open your shoulders then you can move to Urdhva Dhanurasana over a chair. Try it first sitting in front of the chair on blocks and then lift up with your head and shoulders supported on the chair, holding the backrest (see image 8 in the above block). Then push up by pushing the seat of the chair away - image 9 - making sure the chair is secure at the wall and won't tip. And then try it over the chair with your hands to bricks.

Cooling Down after Backbends
It's really important to allow the back to recover after a backbend practice. A seated twist will help to stretch out the lower back. And Ardha Halasana (Half Plough pose) over a chair is a lovely way to release the back.

Or you can do Urdhva Prasarita Padasana with a belt (lying flat on your back with both legs vertical) which is the same shape, but a different orientation. These inward-facing poses will allow the mind to come back to an introspective state before getting back to your day.

Backbends are intense, but the benefits are multiple. And at this time of uncertainty, a bit of heart-lifting can't go amiss.

Poppy x

*Do adapt the poses to suit your body, any injuries you have, and your physical state. If you're menstruating or have a back problem it may be best to avoid backbends.


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Why it's Important to Rest in Yoga


Lockdown has changed the usual chronological landscape of the year. The weeks, weekends, and months have merged into one undifferentiated block of time, and now it's officially the summer holidays and I’m looking forward to taking time off over August.  

Rest is an important factor in maintaining our health, which is something to be all the more aware of in these Covid-19 days.

And although we’re leaving our houses less, many of us have found that life has gone back to being just as busy, but in a different way.

So how should we approach our yoga practice over the summer break and on any vay- or stay-cations we might be lucky enough to go on?

In yoga, it’s important to schedule rest. We were told as teacher trainees to practice six days a week, including a restorative practice, and to rest on one day.

Just as we always put a śavasana at the end of a yoga class, that day of rest allows the body to absorb the lessons learnt in practice as well as rest and recover.

It is not a race, and learning to pace yourself is part of taking responsibility for your own practice.

Home Practice when you’re Away
If you’re going away, take your yoga mat with you. But don’t worry if you don’t get round to practicing every day. This is your chance to rest and recover from the stresses and strains of everyday life.

When I go away I take a very lightweight travel mat, which folds into the bottom of my bag, as well as a belt. If we’re driving I might take my blocks too and wedge them into the boot of the car.

The best times to practice on holiday are usually when you wake up in the morning, or just before bed. Aim to do 15 – 20 minutes, and don’t worry if you do less than that.

The last thing at night can be a great time to do some restorative yoga. Get yourself settled into the restorative pose you feel most comfortable in, such as Supta Baddha Konasana, Supta Virasana, or Setu Bandha. Spend ten minutes in the pose, letting the attention rest on the breath. Then come into supported śavasana and carry on with breath awareness, gradually deepening and lengthening the breath.

Just Stop
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to yoga. But if you’re a driven sort of person, who likes to get things ‘right’, it’s important that you give your body a break from the physical practice of yoga every now and then.

After I took my yoga assessment over three years ago, I stopped practicing for a couple of weeks. My body had taken a bit of a punishing from the rigorous practice regime I’d had to do, and taking a break was just what my body needed.

Adapt your Practice
If your home practice is still sporadic then it might be best to keep up with your practice over the summer break. Put three days a week in the calendar, and tick them off.

But you can still make your regular practice more restful. B.K.S. Iyengar says:

“In asana practice, we are trying to generate and stabilize our energy, to maintain it and not waste it unnecessarily.”

So even if you're doing some standing poses, backbends and inversions for energy, you can still make sure they don't deplete you. To do that, make sure you release any unnecessary muscle tension in the body - the classic areas of tension are in the tongu.

Make sure you keep breathing normally while in the poses, as holding your breath adds an element of strain.

And take breaks between poses going into resting poses such as Adho Mukha Virasana or Ardha Uttanasana.

Sequence to Adapt to a HOT Climate
If you're lucky enough to be going away somewhere hot, it can take a while for the body to adapt.

The following sequence, adapted from B.K.S. Iyengar's Yoga for Sports, will help you to acclimatize quickly so you can enjoy your holiday*:

And finally thank you to everyone who's come to my online classes and workshops, read or responded to my blogs, or sent me emails to let me know how you're doing. This has been a strange time, and the supportive yoga community we all share has been a brilliant way to keep feeling connected, even if we can't be physically together.

Have a great summer - and don't forget to get some rest!

Poppy x

*Please bear in mind that in my demonstrations I’m mostly showing you the final variations of each pose. Do adapt the poses to suit your body, any injuries you have, and your physical state e.g. going forward to a bolster/chair, and substituting Setubandha for Sarvangasana if you have your period or any neck or shoulder injuries.

The bandage I’m wearing round my head is to aid cooling and calming of the brain.


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