After Poppy’s yoga classes I always felt both invigorated and completely relaxed, ready to face the day ahead.
— Laura, student


Welcome to Poppy Pickles Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga is 'yoga for all'. With the help of props, everybody can practice yoga. I teach 5 classes a week so I’m sure you can find one that works for you. My in-person classes are Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Crystal Palace Osteopathic Practice in South East London. The other classes are online.

At my Iyengar yoga classes you will:

  • be guided to a healthy alignment of the body

  • get stronger and fitter

  • increase your flexibility and range of movement

  • use props to safely move towards the classical poses

  • reduce the stresses and strains of everyday life


Improve your Yoga Practice by downloading my FREE guide to Iyengar Yoga Poses

Learning the names of yoga poses is something I’ve noticed really helps my students with their practice, so I’ve created this easy-to-use guide to help you do just that.